Laurie's thoughts

Who am I : I am a mother, a sister, an aunt, a girlfriend, an Americorps Member, a friend, a daughter

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

What else can go wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok so I thought I was ready to go back to school. But guess what I did on monday of last week? any guesses? Well I broke my Left foot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hurts like hell.. I will probably be off for another week and a half.. So i am missing the first day of school ! Makes me very sad.. The swelling has gone down but my foot still hurts like hell.... I will post pics later.. Gotta go.. Cya

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Getting ready for the school year

Ok, I have a little over 2 weeks until we start school again.. I joined americorps again this year..If you don't know what americorps is the check out the link on my page.. I will be starting my college classes on the 18th..How exciting! lol.. Anyways everything is going good with Dustin and I .. Dustin is my boyfriend..Its weird that I have finally found someone who cares about me the way that I should be cared about.. I spent the last 6 years of my life with someone who didn't give a crap about me and to go from that to someone who cares its a big change.. But anyways.. Alyssa is doing good, she is getting so big.. She will be 3 in October and we are having a Strawberry shortcake party.. she is so excited.. She has got to be one of the smartes litttle girls I know.. She is potty trained and she can count to 10 in spanish and english.. and she knows my name my sister's first and last name and of course she knows Gina's first and last name..She is amazing.. So anyways enough bragging.. I will post more later.. Have a good night..